Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One Word.... "Duhhhh!!!!"

I the words of that Urban Ghetto Poet Rakim Allah of Eric B. & Rakim Fame “Its been a long time, I shouldn’t have left you without a dope rhyme to step to…” Sorry for the distant time that has passed since the last post. Econ-For-The-African

GM CEO says bankruptcy would cause liquidation


I refuse to purchase an American made Automobile. I know with everything going on this is not going to be a popular post. I first got my driver’s license in 1986, I couldn’t wait. I studied hard & my mother took me, and the era of freedom began.

· I got my 1st car in 1986, a 1979 Ford Fairmont. It was given to me by my aunt. It ran 3 weeks and died one block from my mother’s home.

· I got my 2nd car in 1986, a 1984 Dodge Omni. It was a great car, it took me places I was supposed to be and some places I wasn’t. It lasted till my junior sophomore year in college around 1991 when the transmission/clutch went out

· I got my 3rd car in 1991, a 1986 Ford Ranger (this is why I hate “some” pickups). My dad purchased it from my uncle, it ran 2 months and died the Friday of Homecoming weekend when the alternator went out. I got that fixed and 8 months later it died again when the Transmission went out.

For those of you keeping score that is 3 cars in 7 years. I walked & bummed rides my senior year so that I could graduate and purchase my own car, new without any restrictions. When I graduated I purchased

· My 1st car after graduating was a 1993 Honda Civic. I loved that car. I financed it but immediately got on a mission to pay it off in 3 years which I successfully completed in 1996. That car took me up and down the eastern seaboard from Maryland to Miami, and eventually out to Texas. Unlike the others, I finally retired it in October 2001 when it had 208,000 miles.

· My current car is a 2001 Lexus; it currently has 134,000 miles on it.

For those of you keeping score that is 2 cars in 16 years. Anyone want to guess what I attributed the difference to???

The American auto industry is made up of great companies for those of you with Traditionalist spirits. In my opinion their issues are

· Horribly managed Income Statements & Balance Sheets

· Lack of Innovation (The Arrogance of the CEO’s, Broke Folk Need Not Apply)

· Planned Redundancy

Horribly managed Income Statements & Balance Sheets

Common now, you have read my past blog post do I really need to go into the benefits of building a strong balance sheet? Do I?

Lack of Innovation (The Arrogance of the CEO’s, Broke Folk Need Not Apply)

I make no bones that the last American auto that I realistically looked at and said wow that’s different was the Ford Probe, that was back at a time when Ford’s motto was “Quality is job 1.” Unfornately, I never felt that Innovation was job 2, 3, or even 4. I have been to a few auto shows and people tend to walk and drool over the latest “X-something.“

First point that “X” badge denotes “Experimental”

Second point, it rarely if ever makes it to market.

I had to bust-a-gut laughing when the CEO’s of the Detroit auto makers got their hat handed to them when asking for money from the feds. Then they went home and returned 1.5 weeks later driving their latest hybrid electric vehicles. That was in December 2008. The issue that I have is while their dealerships are going out of business, they have to shut down production in late December to February of every year to retool, and the few factories that are staying open aren’t producing hybrid electric anythings. Finally the Volt by Chevy that the CEO’s drove to DC on their second visit is a 2010 at a cost of $30,000 plus (only with government subsidies, without the subsidies it will be above $40,000) that will not hit the dealerships till estimated end of 2010, however in the meantime you can purchase a lovely Hybrid Escalade ESV for 60,000 plus. Somewhere in Detroit there are some real smart MBA’s getting paid to come up with some dumb a$$ ideas.

Planned Redundancy

Planned Redundancy was practiced back in the day where the auto makers calculated that Americans would change autos at predetermined points in time, mostly 5-7 years. That is why it was difficult to get an auto loan beyond 3-4 years Pre 1980’s. Planned Redundancy also manifested itself in the manufacturing of the product, as you would purchase an auto and in 6-12 months the bumper would fall off. (Why do we think what we think?) Have you ever heard anyone say:

· I have to get me something new before this one starts to give me trouble.

· Oh, I just had to do this repair, you know what that means.

People still have the thought that every 5-7years they have to get a new car even though the cars are better built than they use to be.

Back in the 70’s every black family had that one bourgeois family member that purchased a Mercedes, Volvo, or BMW till they got hit with the $1000 oil change. When the first Hondas hit the US Market they were so good that years later you still saw 1977 Accord Hachbacks on the road well into the 1990’s.

In conclusion, The only American Auto I would purchase is a Pickup Truck (but I hate Pickups). The reason is most pickups are built to work truck standards and work trucks have to take a beating over their lifetime and it would not look good in the eyes of businesses if their work trucks continuously broke down. In other words, that is why Dodge is RAM tough, Built Ford Tough, & Chevy Silverado America’s Best Truck (per the commercials).


Anonymous said...

hahaha...THAT was good!

Mandingo said...

You know, you're right, but you forgot one variable that the foreign automakers don't have to contend with...unions. They have good qualities and drawbacks. By the calculations of some, union costs add up to approximately $1,200 per vehicle under $30k. Also customer service. Try going to an Infinity or Lexus dealership and see how you're treated in contrast to your treatment at a Cadillac or Lincoln dealership. Not to mention the services afforded you at service time. Good blog my brother...saying the things some others won't. These are all the precise reasons I own a Toyota car and a Ford truck. I shan't buy American with the exception of another truck...or maybe a Harley, but that remains to be determined.