Tuesday, September 30, 2008

(EMERGENCY POST) The Emperor has No Clothes & The Inmates are Running The Asylum

I sometimes listen to Bill O’Reily and Rush Limbaugh to see what the other side is thinking, Sometimes I agree… & sometimes I don’t. But sometimes they say something that Is so ludicrous that I just have to check it out… Last night Bill O'Reily cited the below article and more specifically the highlighted section from a Forbes.com article and what a US Treasury rep answered as to how they came up with $700,000,000,000. US Gov Due Diligence at its best...


Below is a reprint from the link above…

In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.
"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."
Wow. If it wants to see a bailout bill passed soon, the administration's going to have to come up with some hard answers to hard questions. Public support for it already seems to be waning. According to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Tuesday, 44% of those surveyed oppose the administration's plan, up from 37% Monday.


Another Conflict Theorist said...

Peace Brother,

Perhaps a post including reaction to the recently signed into law bailout package is in order. I would love to know your thoughts on this.

Unknown said...

Nice post
Wow! for them to say they wanted to pic a large number, I'm in fear of my Money going away really, really fast.