Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not Dead... Just (Researching) a Change in Formats...

Hello...Black People... Listen UP!!!

I felt that I needed to put out a quick word to everyone that has been following Econ for the African. The quick word is "Econ for the African is not Dead," I just purchased a Macbook Pro (thats right I'm Personally done with Microsoft) and am experimenting with changing the format from just a blog to a Podcast/Blog. I am consulting with the marketing guy for my other businesses who is more knowledgable (and younger than I) of the "How To's of Podcasting" than I am. I have been testing a Mac program called "Garage Band" to facilitate this. We are also discussing giving Econ for the African its own Identity, website, marketing, & feel.

Don't worry Black People it will still be "Free!!!" At least for the forseeable future.

I feel that because of my work schedule (Traveling 90%) writing the blog grows difficult versus dictating to my computer in a hotel room. My only burden will be lugging 2 computers, an Iphone, & a blackberry through numerous airports without looking too much like the biggest Black Nerd you have ever seen...LOL

I still have alot to say and have been getting some great Ideas for shows from many of you, so keep the subject ideas comming.

Econ For the African

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